
Customer Testimonials

I had an absolutely amazing experience with this company today. Three of their employees were at my home and they were all so nice and professional. They answered all of my questions and went above and beyond to help me. They worked very hard to get the job done in one day and they were even done a few hours earlier than they thought they would be. I would highly recommend this company to anyone! Their customer service was excellent and their service was great. If I ever have another problem, I will not hesitate to call them!

Rachel W.
I have used Hartman twice in the past 6 months, once for a new furnace and again for a new water heater. Both times I received EXCEPTIONAL service! Mark Nicholas was extremely helpful in getting my information to the office quickly, and Rachel called me first thing to schedule an appointment. I also received a call 30 minutes prior to the scheduled appointment time, just to let me know the technician was on his way and would arrive a little bit early.
The technicians took the time to explain everything about how our new furnace and water heater worked and when to change filter, get service, etc. Absolutely professional company!

Ali M.
Your help in sending the product information, and organizing the visits to measure and install so quickly. You gave us GREAT customer service and I will certainly call you again if we need plumbing service in the future. Thanks again! Great Job!

Ronald G.
I recently had Rick Hartman Plumbing Inc out to my home. My plumber arrived on time, and he was courteous and professional. He offered suggestions, how we can fix the problem. I would definitely recommend this company to everyone.

I have had Bruce and Sam from Hartman here all day installing my new furnace. I have had to hire and work with companies offering these services for more than thirty years in my job and believe me when I found a good one I hung on to them. Hartman would have been my guys. From the start on Tuesday to the finish today, they have been the best. Thanks so much.

Richard W.
Installers were very knowledgeable and courteous. They worked late on a Friday evening to complete the installation so that we would have hot water for the week-end. Did a marvelous job of cleaning up and discarding the old water tank.

Bill B.
We have been using Rick Hartman Plumbing Inc for over 9 years, and they are consistently one of our best and most reliable subcontractors. I would highly recommend their services!

We used Rick Hartman Plumbing Inc to install a solar water heater for our home. They did great job. The plumbers were fast and careful. Thanks a lot guys!

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